Advanced PHP configuration

Enabling WordFence

WordFence requires auto_prepend_file in order to work correctly, as it allows the Wordfence WAF to load before WordPress, rather than afterward. By default, the following directive in .htaccess is used to load WordFence, but this directive does not work in OpenLiteSpeed. php_value auto_prepend_file ‘/home/’ Luckily,…

Running PHP in Detached Mode

What’s PHP Detached Mode? PHP Detached Mode is new in OpenLiteSpeed v1.5.6. In previous versions, all PHP processes were attached to OpenLiteSpeed processes. As such, when OpenLiteSpeed restarted, so would the PHP processes. In PHP Detached Mode, the PHP processes will continue running independently, even when OpenLiteSpeed restarts. When you run in PHP SuEXEC ProcessGroup Mode, PHP process…